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List of Acronyms


*      A. Andika Bangun Manggala    (101. 0302. 016)
*      Nur Arifta Lantiningrum            (101. 0302. 093)
*      Dumawan                                 (101. 0302. 104)
*      Fajar Budi Wirabrata                (101. 0302. 118)
*      Kusmara Rintika                       (101. 0302. 126)


List of Acronyms
                        (Acronym)                                (Meaning)
1.                   (AA3)                          Accident Analysis Computer ProgramCommand
2.                  (C4)                             Center For Clouds
3.                  (ES)                             Sporadic E
4.                  3CPO                          Cloud Chemistry And Cloud Physics Organization
5.                  4DDD                          Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation
6.                  A&C                            Abatement & Control
7.                  A&R                            Air And Radiation
8.                  A/C                              Aircraft
9.                  A/C                              Air Conditioning
10.              A/D                              Analog-to-digital
11.              A/H                              Air Handling
12.              A/I                               Accident/incident
13.              AA                               Access Authorization
14.              AA                               Accountable/activity Area
15.              AA                               Activity Area
16.              AA                               Adverse Action
17.              AA                               Affirmative Action
18.              AA                               Assistant Administrator
19.              AA/EEO                      Affirmative Action/equal Employment Opportunity
20.              AAA                            American Arbitration Association
21.               AAAS                          American Association For The Advancement Of Science
22.              AACR                         Angle-American Cataloging Rules
23.              AACS                          Airborne Activity Confinement System
24.              AADT                          Average Annual Weekday Traffic
25.              AAEE                          American Academy Of Environmental Engineers
26.              AAG                            Association Of American Geographers
27.              AAH                            Advanced Attack Helicopter
28.              AALC                          Amphibious Assault Landing Craft
29.              AAM                           Airborne Activity Monitor
30.              AAM                           Air-to-air Missile
31.              AAOE                         Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment
32.              AAP                            Aviation Applications Program
33.              AAP                            Atmospheric Analysis And Prediction Division
34.              AAP                            Affirmative Action Program
35.              AAP                            Asbestos Action Program
36.              AAR                            Affirmative Action Representative
37.              AARADCOM             US Army Armanents R&D Command
38.              AARC                         Alliance For Acid Rain Control
39.              AARP                          American Association Of Retired People
40.              AAS                            American Astronomical Society
41.              AAS                            Acid Addition System
42.              AAS                            Atomic Absorption Spectroscop
43.              AASE                          Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition
44.              AASM                         Advanced Air To Surface Missile
45.              AASO                         Army Aeronautical Service Office
46.              AAW                           Antiair Warfare
47.              AB                               Architect Building
48.              ABA                            American Bar Association
49.              ADR                            American Depository Receipt
50.              AEF                             Aggregate External Finance
51.              AIG                             American International Group
52.              AIR                              Assumed Interest Rate
53.              ALACE                       Association Of Local Authority Chief Executives
54.              AME                            Annually Managed Expenditure
55.              AMEX                         American Express (credit Card)
56.               APR                            Annual Percentage Rate
57.              ARM                           Adjustable Rate Mortgage
58.              ARS                             Auction Rate Securities
59.              ATM                            Automated Teller Machine
60.              BAE                             Badminton Association of England
61.              BCA                            Basic Credit Approval
62.              BTA                             British Tourist Authority
63.              BVI                              Best Value Initiative
64.              CAA                            Compagnie Air Algiere
65.              CELSS                        Controlled Ecological Life Support System [Space]
66.              CENTO                       CENtral Treaty Organization
67.              CEO                            Chief Executive Officer
68.              CERMET                     Ceramic Metal Element
69.              CERT                          Computer Emergency Response Team
70.              CET                             Central European Time
71.              CEV                            Controlled Environment Vault
72.              CEVI                           Common Equipment Voltage Indicator
73.              CF                                Carry Forward
74.              CFA                            Center For Astrophysics
75.              CFB                             Color Frame Buffer
76.              CFC                             Combined Federal Campaign
77.              CFCA                          Communications Fraud Control Association
78.              CFD                                        Computational Fluid Dynamics
79.              CFF                             Columbus Free Flyer
80.              CFHT                          Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
81.              CFI                              Certificated Flight Instructor
82.              CFL                             Canadian Football League
83.              CFO                            Chief Financial Officer
84.              CFP                             Call For Papers
85.              CFR                             Code of Federal Regulations
86.              CG                               Commanding General
87.              CGA                            Color Graphics Adapter
88.              CGCT                          Compagnie Generale de Constructions Telephoniques
89.              CGE                            Compagnie Generale d'Electricite
90.              CGI                                         Computer Graphics Interface
91.               CGIAR                        Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
92.              CGM                            Computer Graphics Metafile
93.              CGN                            Concentrator Group Number
94.              CGS                            Centimeter-Gram-Second
95.              CGX                            Chicago (Meigs) IL
96.              CH                                Customs House
97.              CHAP                          CHAnnel Processor
98.              CHARA                       Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy
99.               CHARGEN                 CHARacter GENerator
100.          CHOTS                       Corporate Headquarters Office Technology System
101.          CHP                            California Highway Patrol
102.          CIA                             Central Intelligence Agency
103.          CABE                          Commission For Architecture & The Built Environment
104.              CB                               Carte Blanche (as In Diner's Club Carte Blanche Credit Card)
105.           CBD                           Commerce Business Daily
106.          CC                               Cross Cutting
107.          CCN                            County Council Network
108.          CCSS                          Community Charge For Standard Spending
109.          CCT                            Compulsory Competitive Tendering
110.          CD                               Certificate Of Deposit
111.          CDO'S                         Collateralised Debt Obligations
112.          CDSC                          Contingent Deferred Sales Charge
113.          CFP                             Certified Financial Planner
114.          CIPFA                         Chartered Institute Of Public Finance And Accountancy
115.          CLO'S                         Collateralised Loan Obligations
116.          CM                              Command Paper
117.          CMF                            Capital Modernisation Fund
118.          CMO                           Collateralized Mortgage Obligation
119.          CMPS                         Centre For Management And Policy Studies
120.          COVE                         Centres Of Vocational Excellence
121.          CSR                             Comprehensive Spending Review
122.            CUSIP                         Committee On Uniform Securities Identification Procedures
123.            DB                               Defined Benefit (retirement Plan; For Example, A Pension)
124.               DC                              Defined Contribution (retirement Plan; For Example, A 401(k) Plan)
125.           DCA                           Dollar Cost Averaging
126.          DCMS                         Department Of Culture, Media And Sport
127.          DEFRA                        Department Of Environment, Food And Rural Affairs
128.          DEL                             Departmental Expenditure Limit
129.          DFEE                           Department For Education And Employment
130.          DFES                           Department For Education And Skills
131.          DIS                              Departmental Investment Strategies (UK)
132.           DR                              The Daily Reckoning
133.          DTCC                          Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
134.              DTLR                                  Department Of Transport, Local Government And The Regions
135.          DWP                           Department For Work And Pensions
136.          EFT                             Electronic Funds Transfer
137.          EMA                            Education Maintenance Allowances
138.          CI                                Cubic Inches
139.          CIA                             Central Intelligence Agency [US Government]
140.            CIAC                           Computer Incident Advisory Capability
141.           EPS                             Earnings Per Share
142.           ERISA                         Employee Retirement Income Security Act Of 1974
143.           ETF                             Exchange Traded Funds
144.           ETN'S                          Efficiency Technical Notes
145.           EU                               European Union
146.           FAO                            Food and Agricultural Organization
147.           FASB                          Financial Accounting Standards Board
148.           FBI                              Federal Bereau of Investigation
149.           FDIC                           Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
150.           FIFO                           First In, First Out
151.           FMA                            Foundation Modern Apprenticeship
152.           FOMC                         Federal Open Market Committee
153.           FOREX                       Foreign Exchange
154.           FRB                             Federal Reserve Board
155.           GDP                            Gross Domestic Product
156.           GEP                             General Expenditure Policy
157.           GES                             General Expenditure Statistics
158.           GL                               General Ledger
159.           GLA                            Greater London Authority
160.           GMT                            Greenwich Mean Time
161.           GNP                            Gross National Product
162.           GO                              General Obligation Bond
163.           GPC                            Government Procurement Card
164.           GTA                            Group Training Associates
165.           GUDD                         Gold Up, Dollar Down
166.           HRA                            Housing Revenue Account
167.           IA                                Investment Adviser
168.           IAA                             Indonesian Advocates Association
169.           ILO                              International Labour Organization
170.           IMF                             International Monetary Fund
171.           IQ                                Inteligence Quotient
172.           IBD                              Investors Business Daily
173.           ICT                              Information & Communication Technology
174.           IFS                              Infiniti Financial Services
175.            ING                             Internationale Nederlanden Group (a Financial Company)
176.            IOU                            I Owe You
177.           IPO                              Initial Public Offering
178.           IRA                              Individual Retirement Account
179.           ISB                              Invest To Save Budget
180.           JTWROS                     Joint Tenants With Rights Of Survivorship
181.           KO                              Knock Out
182.           LASFE                        Local Authority Self Financed Expenditure
183.           LEA                             Local Education Authority
184.           LGA                            Local Government Association
185.           LGF                             Local Government Finance
186.           LGFS                           Local Government Finance System
187.           LOI                              Letter Of Intent
188.           LPSA                           Local Public Service Agreement
189.           LSC                             Learning And Skills Council
190.           LSP                             Local Strategic Partnership
191.           MMKT                        Money Market
192.           MPT                            Modern Portfolio Theory
193.           MSI                             Multiple Streams Of Income
194.           NAO                           National Audit Office
195.           NASD                         National Association Of Securities Dealers
196.           NASDAQ                    National Association Of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (world's First Automated Financial System). Nasdaq Now A Proper Noun.
197.            NAV                           Net Asset Value
198.           NASA                         National Aeronautics and Space Administration
199.           NATO                         North Atlantic Treaty Organization
200.              OPEC                           Organization of Petroleum Exporting Country South East Asia
201.           USSR                          Union of Soviet Sosialist
202.           VW                              Volkswagen
203.           WBA                           Wold Boxing Association
204.           WHO                           Wold Health Organization
205.           WBF                            Wold Badminton Federation
206.           WPO                           Wold Peace Organization
207.           WSO                           Wold Scout Organization
208.           WTO                           Wold Tourism Organization
209.           WRI                             Wold Risks Insurance
210.           WTF                            Wold Taekwondo Federation



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