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  Hi Guys, After learning how to write a report, we move on to the KD  3.26  of English material Regarding Report Presentation. This class X...

Proverb and Riddle

1.      Proverb
Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life. These sayings are called by "proverbs".
Example: Time is money = Waktu adalah uang.
(Waktu sangat berharga atau penting maka manusia harus menggunakan waktu sebaik mungkin)
Kinds of Proverbs:
1.      Aphorism (Pepatah)
This proverb offers advice.
Example : Don’t go too far in small.
(Persoalan kecil jangan dibesar-besarkan).
2.   Parable (Perumpamaan)
That has a moral lesson and has parable.
Example   : To carry coals to New-castle.
 (Bagai membuang garam kelaut)
3.   Slogan (Pameo)
This proverb gives spirit or motivation.
Example   :
1.      Early bird gets worm
(Tuhan akan memberikan rezeki kepada makhluk-Nya yang lebih dulu bangun)
2.      Diligence is the mistress of success.
(Kerajinan pangkal kesuksesan)
4.   Idiom
It is a phrase that has group of words with a different meaning from the meaning of all the individual word.
Example :
1.      Pull your sock up. (improve your behaviour)
2.      You can arrange your bedroom at will. (sesuka hati)
3.      Don’t mention it. (You’re welcome)

Task 1
What does it mean?
1.               Better late than never.
2.               Don’t go too far in small.
3.               By learning to obey we know to command.
4.                A friend in need is a friend indeed.
5.               Actions speak louder than words.

Work in Group.
Work in group and find the meaning of following proverb that is in film.
1.               It’s not what is outside but what in inside that count. (Aladdin)
2.               Always let your conscience be your guide. (Pinokio)
3.               It’s doesn’t matter. It’s in the past. The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.

Individual work
1.        Find 5 proverbs and the meaning!

Pedoman Penilaian Task 1
Soal berbentuk uraian. Jawaban benar skor 20, jawaban kurang tepat skor 10, jawaban salah skor 0

2.      Riddle
A riddle is a type of poetry that describes something without actually naming what it is, leaving the reader to guess. It is a light hearted type of poetry which involves the reader.
Riddles can be about anything, from riddles about animals to riddles about objects. There are no rules on how to structure a riddle poem, a riddle can be funny or it can rhyme, it depends on the person writing the riddle.
1.       It’s an animal. It’s an orange black. It has stripes. It has four paws. It lives in the jungle. What is it?
It is a  Lion.

2.      “Three eyes have I, all in a row; when the red one opens, all freeze.” The answer is traffic light.

3.      Example of Rhyming  Riddle
I come in different style.
I can help you walk for  miles.
Come in pair.
I’m somethiing what you wear.
With heals I’m glam
Can you guest what I am?
I am a ..

Match and Find the answer of the following riddle.
1. What building has the most stories?
2.   What is broken every time it’s spoken?
3.   What four letter word can be read upside down, downside up, and up to down?
4.   What animal walks on all fours in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening?”
5.   What falls, but does not break, and what breaks but does not fall?
6.   I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right, and in the middle. But I still hold water. What am I?
7.   What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
8.   I never was, am always to be.
No one ever saw me, nor ever will.
And yet I am the confidence of all.
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
What am I?
9.   I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air. What am I?
10.  Pronounced as one letter. And written with three. Two letters there are. And two only in me. I'm double, I'm single. I'm black, blue, and grey. I'm read from both ends. And the same either way. What am I?

a.    An eye.
b.    Smoke
c.    Tomorrow
d.   Night falls and day breaks.
e.    A river.
f.     A man, since he crawls as a child then walks and uses a cane when he gets older.
g.    library
h.    A sponge
i.      silence
j.      N O O N


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