The English material for X grade students of Vocational School (SMK)
Materi Bahsa Inggris kelas X SMK meliputi dari KD. 1.5 sampai KD. 1.7. Untuk melihat silabus Bahasa nggris Kelas X SMK Kurikulum 2006, bisa downolad di sini!
1.5 Menjelaskan secara sederhana kegiatan yang sedang terjadi.
- Present Continuous Tense
- Congratulating Others
- There is/are
- Expression of feeling/opinions
- Vocabulary about feeling
1.6 Memahami memo dan menu sederhana, jadwal perjalanan kendaraan umum, dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas
- Memo and the samples
- Menu
- Expression to explain sign and symbol
- Traffic Light
- Time table/ Schedule
- Degree of comparison
- Reported Speech
1.7 Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat sederhana berdasarkan rumus
- Preferences
- Conditional sentence (type I)
- Expression of capabilities
- Expression of asking and giving direction
- Preposition of Place: in front of, behind, beside, etc.
1.8 Menuliskan undangan sederhana
- Invitation / Undangan
- Writing invitation
- Grammar review : Modal (will, could, would)
- Preposition, in, on, at.
- Samples of invitation (personal invitation)
- Parts of personal invitation.
Those all above the material, keep hard studying English, Easy Learning English for us.
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