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Arranged by :
1. Harnum Fitriani
2. Ivone Eka Pertiwi
3. Maeki Dina Maria
4. Pratiwi Dwi Puspita
Field of expertise
Format Report
Chapter I
1. Background Industry visits
of secondary vocational school designed to prepare the participant students
after graduating from the school have the knowledge and skills to enter the
world of business or industry.
To achieve these
goals various efforts through a learning process that has been done among
others :
a. the learning process is carried out of the
b. The process of learning in industry
This activity is
expected to provide a stimulus to himself each student who has been trained in
2. Destinations industry visits
so that the students can see and feel derctly the activities undertaken in the
field of industry
so that the students can take lessons in the experience of the industry visits
so that the students can feel the direct health services
3. Locations of industry visits
The location we
were to visit is the main goal to PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Surakarta and
PGS (Continued with Solo travel to the wholesale market) and Kasunanan Kraton
4. Execution time
Today : Tuesday
November 22th 2016
Hours : 06:00 Am
5. Fill Trip Reports
On Tuesday
November 22th 2016 we paid a visit to the PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in
Surakarta and Proceed to travel to the Waterfall Tawangmangu and to the
shopping center. From school we left at 06:30 am, we were seated with seat
serial number of each that have been agreed. At 09:15 am we arrived at Hospital
and immediately by the security guard how in case of a disaster or hazard.
After it we were invite toured the hospital rooms, and after all finished we
took a leave to continue the journey to Tawangmangu his affection of good
weather and us only to the place Solo and Proceed to the Shopping Center in
Solo, after we continued to have dinner in a restaurant Klaten at a time for
rest and worship. After that we continue the Journey to get to the center by
the In Yogyakarta until at 20:30 pm and we went on our way home and arrived at
the school at 21:30pm
6. Cover
From the above
statement can be concluded that with his visit held this industry students are
expected to think forward, creatively and efficiently so that can reduce
negative behaviors.
7.Activity of photos
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