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Discussion Text

Wahhh berasa Capek setelah menyelesaikan ujian ini,,, Hemm,,, tugas-tugas selai sudah... waktunya menarik nafas lega barang untuk sejenak, besok tanggal 30 Juni (Cyeee.. berasa tanggal special banget) sudah penerjunan KKN.. Emmm.. Tita tetep semangat kok.. yuckk.. Mulai Bahas Apa ya topik segar-segar agar otak kita tak terlalu lama melamun.. (ih... yang melamun mah qt nya, otak tetap berfikir lain ya... hehehhe)

Jujur masih bingung mau review apa kalau habis ujian ini, yahh sedikit-sedikit mengulang materi saja dweh...

Materi yang aku suka dari kecil memang text. Ya.. Genre of the Text tepatnya..
Pada kali ini,  tita lagi seneng nulis discussion Text. Yuck... Let's Check it together... !

1.  Apa Sih Discussion Text itu??
Tita  gak kaget kalau ditanya pengertian Disccuson text itu apa? Kenyit dahi pastilah jawabannya.
”Sulit ku jabarkan, pokoknya mbahas tentang permasalahan yang di debatkan kak,” jawab salah satu murid lesku.

Pengertian  Discussion text yakni sebuah text di mana memberikan informasi, ide, opini, dan lain-lain tentang suatu hal yang di permasalahkan  baik secara lisan atau pun tulisam.

2.  Social Function
The Discussion Text  present (at least) two points of view of abbout issue.

3.    Schematic Structure
Untuk memerjelas, discussion text memiliki structure sebagai berikut:
1.     Issue
2.    Arguments for and Against statements of differing points of view
3.    Conclusion or recommendation

4.  Language Features
a.   Focus on generic human and non-human participants.
b.  Use of modality and modulation
c.   Use of logical conjunctive relations
d.  Reasoning expressed as verbs and nouns.
e.   Use of material, relational and mental process.

5.  Example of Discussion Text

The Ban on Bringing Handphone  in School

There are a lot of discussion as to whether students should bring handphone in the school or not. Is it important for students on bringing handphone when they study in the school or disturbing students in learning activities.
Some people claim that bringing handphone is important for students. It is one of communication tools. They also argue that the students need handphone for making communication such as when they have important information, they can give the  information to their parent directly. For example, If they do not bring the money or the money is not enough to buy school goods, they are late for go home because the task must be done with their friends, they need to be pick up, etc.
However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. Teachers argue that It is important to ban students bring handphone in school. There are many disadvantages for students. There are rules in the school, that students do not bring precious goods. Handphone is one of precious good. Beside that,  It makes social gap, and also It is possible that students can lose their handphone.
Furthermore, they claim that bringing handphone is too disturb in the learning process. Students will not pay attention to their teachers when they are learning in the class. They will play It and they think that handphone is more interesting than teachers’ explanation.
I think, on balance that bringing handphone in the school is bad idea. There are many disadvantages. Students should think that it is important to study without bring the handphone.

6.  Conclusion

Nah... setelah melihat contoh diatas sudahkah kalian paham?
Semoga lebih bermanfaat...

Tinta Arifta Lantita Jinggaa
Magelang, 1-7-3013


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