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  Hi Guys, After learning how to write a report, we move on to the KD  3.26  of English material Regarding Report Presentation. This class X...

Disccusion Text The Ban on Bringing Hand Phone in the School

The Ban on Bringing Hand Phone in the SchoolTitle: The Ban on Bringing Hand Phone in the School

Positive: -Easy to communicate between teacher and students
-Gaining knowledge
Negative: - Trouble
-Not pay attention the lesson
The Paragraph:

In some cases that use of hand phone in schools have positive and negative impacts. It will be positive and negative impact. It will be positive, if it is used for some learning activities to support and help them to develop or improve  their ability to get information using tools production.  It will be negative, if t is used for learning activates to play and  they do not pay attention the lesson. It will make some troubles. Various kind of hand phone may be make the students some troubles if students can not use of the right way. Especially on its functions and purposes.

Contoh Text Kunjungan ke Suatu Tempat dan Soal Pilihan Ganda

My family and I will have a trip to Magelang next week. We will go there on Sunday by car and stay at Ambarukmo.
On Monday, we will go to Kedung Kayang Waterfall. We will enjoy the scenery of  view of its waterfall and have lunch there in the little cottage. After that we will visit Kettep Pass.
The next day, we will continue our journey to Punthuk Setumbu. We will see  sunrise in the top of Borobudur. After that, we will go to Gereja Ayam, it is near Punthuk Setumbu hills. Then, we wii go to Muntilan Market.  Muntilan market and Artos mall. I will buy some souvenirs and of course some batik clothes.
On Wednesday afternoon, we will say goodbye to Magelang. I really glad to have my holiday in Magelang. It must be amazing  and I can’t wait for next week.

15.  The text above mostly tells us about ….
A.    The writer’s unforgettable experience.
B.   The writer’s planning to visit Magelang.
C.   The writer’s trip.
D.   The writer’s family in Magelang.

16.  How long will the writer stay in Magelang?
A.    A week
B.    One day
C.   Three days
D.   Four days.

Descriptive Text My Hobby dalam Bahasa Inggris

My Hobby

I am Selvi Yuliani, you can call me Selvi. Here i i'll tell you about my hobby. Do you know my hobby? My hobby is writing. I like to writing because it's fun activity. Maybe a lot of people thinks that writing was boring, but i don't, because writing can train someone accuracy. By writing, i can pour out of my heart. I usually write about the thinks I've been through every day. So i can take lesson from the problem i have ever experienced. I even made my diary book as friends to share stories.
Do you know? I also like to dance. But i would prefer to write rather than dance, because dancing is very tiring. This is my hobby that i can tell you. Now, what's your hobby?

Example Poem about Education and Translate (Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan)

I heard my cousin asked me to teach about Reading an English  poem for her final practice examination. Well.. It's about Education. The title is Thank You My Teacher. So that, I have an inspiration to make a poem about education, entitle is "The Sun in My Life". This poem tells about the students who love their teacher. The teacher always gives a good suggestions and teaches them to be better person. So, the students think that their teacher is like a sun in their life. 

Saya mendengar sepupuku meminta untuk mengajari bagaimana membaca Puisi Bahasa Inggris untuk Ujian Praktek berhubung dia sudah kelas XII.  Ya... Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang  Pendidikan.  Judul yang dia baca adalah "Thank You My Teacher". Dari itu, saya jadi punya inspirasi untuk membuat sebuah puisi Bahasa Inggris tema pendidikan, judulnya adalah"The Sun in My Life". Puisi ini becerita tentang murid yang menyayang guru mereka. Gurunya selalu memberi nasihat-nasihat yang baik dan mengajari mereka untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik. Jadi, murid-murid berfikir bahwa guru mereka seperti matahari dalam hidup mereka.

There is the example of Poem about education and the translation in Indonesia.
Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang pendidikan dan terjemahnya (arti Bahasa Indonesia). 
Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan

The Sun in My Life

written by. Nur Arifta Jingga

Good morning, The sun in my life!
We start smile in this morning
We avoid to be boring
Because today will be interesting
We'll join a lesson like playing a swing

Good morning, The sun in my life!
You are my beloved teacher forever..
Always teaching us to be better
As we know, you make our brain greater

Good morning, The sun in my life!
Hopefully you are  always in healthy
So that you come in the class happily
and we can catch the lesson easily

Good morning, The sun in my life!
You are like a hero who bring us to be success
You are a brighter ray to ask us doing the best
We just can say, thank you for all of the suggests...


Selamat Pagi, Matahari Hidupku!
written by. Nur Arifta Jingga

Selamat Pagi, matahari hidupku
Kita mulai dengan senyum pagi ini
Kita mengindari rasa bosan
karena hari ini akan menarik
Kita akan ikut pelajaran seperti bermain ayunan

Selamat Pagi, matahari hidupku
Kamu guru kita tersayang selamanya
Selalu mengajari kita untuk menjadi lebih baik
seperti yang kita tahu, engkau membuat otak kita lebih hebat

Selamat Pagi, matahari hidupku
Semoga engkau selalu dalam keadaan sehat
Jadi engkau datang di kelas dengan bahagia
Dan kita bisa menangkap pelajaran dengan mudah

Selamat Pagi, matahari hidupku
Engkau seperti pahlawan yang membawa kita untuk sukses
Engkau adalah sebuah cahaya lebih terang untuk menyuruh kita melakukan yang terbaik
Kita hanya mampu berkata, terima kasih atas semua nasehat-nasehatmu..

Happy Reading Guys...

Miss Tita

Example Arcostric Poem from Name

Special poem for My Lecturer... (Mr. Soetrisman)You are my inspiration

Sometimes, I don’t understand..
Of My life, even tough with brave, where will we end?
Mr. Drs. Soetrisman, M. Sc. Archorstic Poem
Mr. Drs. Soetrisman, M. Sc.
Enter the hell or place full of smell?
Though me the way to get out there...
Rounding, circling of resolving problem
Impossible become readable
Stop!!!” we scream to stop...
Must we go on top?? ”Yes, we must go there with spirit always out”
And finally, we pray for get a ray...
Never mind, everything gonna be fine and happy the end...

Gamelan Padhang Moncar

We have seen about Gamelan Padhang Moncar Vidioes. It was amazing because the players were foreign people. They can play the gamelan instruments and also can sing in Javanese. Lest’s know about Gamelan Padhang Moncar!
Budi Suroso Putro
Budi Suroso Putro (images from www.voaindonesia.com)

Indonesia has the traditional music called Gamelan Padhang Moncar. It is original music group of Indonesia especially Javanese percussion orchestra. In the New Zealand School of Music (Called Victoria University campus-red), there is the playing the gamelan percussion orchersta. One of Indonesian who has been there since 1996, he has  directed gamelan perfomance at the university and the Indonesian embassy. He is Budi Surasa Putra who comes from Solo. 

What does Padhang Moncar mean?

Padhang Moncar is from Javanese. It can be translated in some meaning. Padhang is brightness or daylight. Moncar means growing or developing vigorously. Padhang Moncar can refer to the light of morning or as the sunrise (the growing light), and the fact that in Aoteoroa It is the first gamelan in the world to see the new day. Padhang Moncar is as harmony and growth and thus the name can reflect the aspirations of the group.

What will you proud of having Padhang Moncar Orchestra?

Padhang Moncar Gamelan
Padhang Moncar Gamelan
We as Indonesian  must be rightfully proud of Padhang Moncar Orchestra. It shows that traditional music instruments also can be seen in the world. We should know about traditional art because that is a cultural heritage that should we keep. In the world, traditional art can be well-known. We must introduce the good art to other people. Foreign people also appreciate and enjoy the arts. That proven to be, Padhang Moncar is popular in the world. Padang Moncar shows that the traditional art can become the first gamelan in the world.

What Should You Do with This Cultural Heritage?

We must keep our cultural heritage, as we know that culture will lost if their member do not use and keep the cultural instruments. So, we must open our mind, the traditional arts do not means ancient. Because, the arts is a soul of culture with an esthetic of life that can reflect our mind to live peaceful. Art has a soul that if we come to know the beautifulness of art, we will  see that art is spirit of life.


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