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A story about....


  Hi Guys, After learning how to write a report, we move on to the KD  3.26  of English material Regarding Report Presentation. This class X...

Model Pembelajaran Blanded Learning dan Konsep Pembelajaran yang Diterapkan di Sekolah

Pembelajaran tahun ini masih seperti tahun lalu yaitu daring, namun belakangan ini istilah pembelajaran Blended Learning menjadi trending topic di dunia pendidikan pada masa pandemi. So, apakah Pembelajaran Blended Learning itu? Yuk simak baik-baik pembahasannya. 

Berasal dari kata 'Blended' dan 'Learning' memiliki makna dari campuran dan pembelajran. Pembelajaran kali ini merupakan arti dari Pembelajaran campuran antara E-Learning dan Pembelajaran tatap Muka. 

Konsep Blended Learning yang diterapkan di Sekolah
Mentri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Muhammad Nasir memaparkan bahwa “regulasi penyelenggaraan e-learning atau kuliah secara daring dalam waktu dekat akan diterbitkan pemerintah.” Hal seperti ini menjadi perhatian kita bahwa Pemernintah serius dalam menggodok Blended Learning.

Pengertian Blended Learning

Menurut Semler (2005) “Blended learning combines the best aspects of online learning, structured face-to-face activities, and real world practice. Online learning systems, classroom training, and on-the-job experience have major drawbacks by themselves. The blended learning approach uses the strengths of each to counter the others’ weaknesses.”

Blended Learning  atau Pembelajaran terpadu menggabungkan aspek terbaik dari pembelajaran online, aktivitas tatap muka terstruktur, dan praktik dunia nyata. Sistem pembelajaran online, pelatihan di kelas, dan pengalaman di tempat kerja memiliki kelemahan utama sendiri. Pendekatan blended learning menggunakan kekuatan masing-masing untuk melawan kelemahan yang lain.”

Karakteristik utama Blended Learning adalah adanya kombinasi dalam pembelajaran. Kombinasi itu dapat berupa pembelajaran yang efektif dalam penyampaian materi, sistem mengajar, maupun evaluasi akhirnya. Sehingga kelas akan lebih hidup dengan pengalaman siswa yang baru.  Pembelajaran Blended learning akan memberikan sebuah kesempatan terhadap siswa untuk menggali kemampuan yang terpendam dalam diri mereka. Karena mau tidak mau mereka akan di tuntut untuk bisa menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapinya.

Bagaimana konsep blended learning yang ideal untuk  terapkan di sekolah?

Konsep pembelajaran Blend
ed Learning yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yakni menggabungkan berbagai cara penyampaian, model pengajaran, dan gaya pembelajaran, memperkenalkan berbagai pilihan media dialog antara guru dan peserta didik. Blended learning juga sebagai sebuah kombinasi pengajaran langsung (face-to-face) dan pengajaran online, tapi lebih daripada itu sebagai elemen dari interaksi sosial melalu Google classroom dan Whatsapp

Bagaimana strategi yang tepat  dalam menerapkan blended learning di sekolah?

Strategi dalam menerapkan blended learning di sekolah adalah pendekatan psikologis dan juga intelektual. Dari segi psikologis saya akan memotivasi pembelajaran agar anak semangat belajar, dan segi intelektual saya akan menggunakan aplikasi Geogle Classroom untuk pengajaran. Dalam materi, saya membuat video adan di upload di Youtube agar anak mampu memahami materi. Dimudahkan juga untuk merekap absen melalui Geogle Formulir dan apabila anak mengalami kesulitan kami membuka portal surel/email dan whatsap apabila ingin bertanya atau meminta saran. Evaluasi akhir akan dilaksakan secara online melalui aplikasi Quiziz dan Geogle formulir. Jika diperlukan, akan diadakan sesi Konsultasi tatap muka dengan mengedepankan Protokol Kesehatan pada masa Pandemi ini. 

Sistem Pembelajaran sangat penting dalam mencapai tujuan belajar itu sendiri, sehingga keberhasilan dalam belajar mengajar tergantung dengan pengajar dan peserta didik itu sendiri. Kunci kesuksesan berasal dari semua yang menjalannya perannya dengan baik. Semoga Pendidikan di Indonesia semakin maju.

"Everything gonna be better if we start with new hope." (@ariftatita)

Example of Legend Story in Indonesia

Definition of Legend 

Legend is part of Narrative text.
The purpose of legend is to amuse the reader and tells about the origin something or place. It  has been told by person to person by mouth for long time.

There are the example of Legend.

  1. The Legend of Prambanan Temple

Contoh Legend dalam Bahasa Inggris
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Javanese princess whose the name was Rara Jonggrang. Rara Jonggrang was very famous because of her beauty in the kingdom was the daughter of Prabu Baka. Prabu Baka was an evil king. One day, a handsome young man with super natural power named Bandung Bondowoso defeated and killed Prabu Baka. When seeing Princess Rara Jonggrang’s beauty, he fell in love with her and wanted to marry her.

Meanwhile, Princess Rara Jonggrang felt sad due to her death father. She did not want to marry Bandung because he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of Bandung Bondowoso. So that, she thought to refuse politely. She decided to make a condition.

“I will marry you if you can do this coondition, you must build one thousand temples just in one night as our wedding gift”, requested Rara Jonggrang.

Bandung agreed the condition. He asked the demonds to Help him. By the spirit of the them, he started building the temples. Approaching midnight, all the temples from the work would nearby be done. Rara Jonggrang knew and very worried. She thought about making Bandung Bondowoso lost in building the temples.  She thought, “What shall I do? Bandung is smarter than me. I don't wanna marry him, I will lose”.

Suddenly she got a great idea. She woke up all the women in the palace and ordered them to make the noisy sounds of grinding rice so that the rooster thought it had already been dawn. The rosters woke up and made a sound  or crowed earlier as if the day became Morning. All the demons went away and Bandung Bondowoso got frustrated because he failed completing the thousandth temple.

“The princess has deceived me!” Following his anger, he cursed Rara Jonggrang, “You have been cheated. Now, the thousandth temple is you”.

At once, the Princess turned into a statue, knowing this, Bandung regretted and he went away into a farm land. From then people called the temple, Prambanan temple, and the princess statue, Rara Jonggrang statue. You can find the Prambanan temple in Yogyakarta

2. The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu 

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in Priangan Land. There lived a happy family. They were a father in form of dog, his name is Tumang, a mother which was called is Dayang Sumbi, and a child which was called Sangkuriang.

One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting with his lovely dog, Tumang in the forest. After hunting all day, Sangkuriang began desperate and worried because there was not any animal to hunt. He was afraid if his mother was angry. Then he thought to shot his own dog. He took the dog's liver and carried home.

Soon, Dayang Sumbi got out that it was not deer's liver but Tumang's liver, his own dog. So, She was very angry and hit Sangkuriang's head strongly with the rice ladle. In that incident, Sangkuriang got wounded and scar on his head. Then he run away from their home.

Many years later, Sangkuriang had travel many places and finnally arrived at a village. He met a beautiful woman and felt in love with her. When they were discussing their wedding plans, The woman looked at the wound in Sangkuriang's head. It matched to her son's wound who had left severall years earlier. Soon she realized that she felt in love with her own son.

She couldn't marry him but how to say it. Then, she found the way. She needed a lake and a boat for celebrating their wedding day. Sangkuriang had to make them in one night. He built a lake. With a dawn just moment away and the boat was almost complete. Dayang Sumbi had to stop it. Then, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. It made the cock crowed for a new day. Sangkuriang failed to marry her. He was very angry and kicked the boat. It felt over and became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.

Example Poem about Education and Translate (Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan)

I heard my cousin asked me to teach about Reading an English  poem for her final practice examination. Well.. It's about Education. The title is Thank You My Teacher. So that, I have an inspiration to make a poem about education, entitle is "The Sun in My Life". This poem tells about the students who love their teacher. The teacher always gives a good suggestions and teaches them to be better person. So, the students think that their teacher is like a sun in their life. 

Saya mendengar sepupuku meminta untuk mengajari bagaimana membaca Puisi Bahasa Inggris untuk Ujian Praktek berhubung dia sudah kelas XII.  Ya... Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang  Pendidikan.  Judul yang dia baca adalah "Thank You My Teacher". Dari itu, saya jadi punya inspirasi untuk membuat sebuah puisi Bahasa Inggris tema pendidikan, judulnya adalah"The Sun in My Life". Puisi ini becerita tentang murid yang menyayang guru mereka. Gurunya selalu memberi nasihat-nasihat yang baik dan mengajari mereka untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik. Jadi, murid-murid berfikir bahwa guru mereka seperti matahari dalam hidup mereka.

There is the example of Poem about education and the translation in Indonesia.
Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang pendidikan dan terjemahnya (arti Bahasa Indonesia). 
Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan

The Sun in My Life

written by. Nur Arifta Jingga

Good morning, The sun in my life!
We start smile in this morning
We avoid to be boring
Because today will be interesting
We'll join a lesson like playing a swing

Good morning, The sun in my life!
You are my beloved teacher forever..
Always teaching us to be better
As we know, you make our brain greater

Good morning, The sun in my life!
Hopefully you are  always in healthy
So that you come in the class happily
and we can catch the lesson easily

Good morning, The sun in my life!
You are like a hero who bring us to be success
You are a brighter ray to ask us doing the best
We just can say, thank you for all of the suggests...


Selamat Pagi, Matahari Hidupku!
written by. Nur Arifta Jingga

Selamat Pagi, matahari hidupku
Kita mulai dengan senyum pagi ini
Kita mengindari rasa bosan
karena hari ini akan menarik
Kita akan ikut pelajaran seperti bermain ayunan

Selamat Pagi, matahari hidupku
Kamu guru kita tersayang selamanya
Selalu mengajari kita untuk menjadi lebih baik
seperti yang kita tahu, engkau membuat otak kita lebih hebat

Selamat Pagi, matahari hidupku
Semoga engkau selalu dalam keadaan sehat
Jadi engkau datang di kelas dengan bahagia
Dan kita bisa menangkap pelajaran dengan mudah

Selamat Pagi, matahari hidupku
Engkau seperti pahlawan yang membawa kita untuk sukses
Engkau adalah sebuah cahaya lebih terang untuk menyuruh kita melakukan yang terbaik
Kita hanya mampu berkata, terima kasih atas semua nasehat-nasehatmu..

Happy Reading Guys...

Miss Tita

Example Arcostric Poem from Name

Special poem for My Lecturer... (Mr. Soetrisman)You are my inspiration

Sometimes, I don’t understand..
Of My life, even tough with brave, where will we end?
Mr. Drs. Soetrisman, M. Sc. Archorstic Poem
Mr. Drs. Soetrisman, M. Sc.
Enter the hell or place full of smell?
Though me the way to get out there...
Rounding, circling of resolving problem
Impossible become readable
Stop!!!” we scream to stop...
Must we go on top?? ”Yes, we must go there with spirit always out”
And finally, we pray for get a ray...
Never mind, everything gonna be fine and happy the end...

Example Narrative Text Fable

A. Definition       

 A narrative is a text that tells a story and entertains the audience.     (narattive adalah teks yang menceritakan sebuah cerita dan menghibur para pembaca)

B. The Purpose of a Narrative

     That is to entertain or amuse the readers. (menghibur pembaca)

C. Generic Structure

    1. Orientation

         (Open the story about What, Who, Where, When the story begins)

    2. Complication

        (There are the problems to be solved by the persons in the story)

    3. Resolution 

        ( Solutions form the problem)

    4. Reorientation 

        (The feeling of ending story. It can be happy, sad, confuse ending)


D. Example Narrative Text (Contoh Narrative Text)

Kancil and An Elephant

Once upon a time, there lived a clever deer named Kancil. Kancil lived in the jungle , besides Kancil was smart animal, many animals knew Kancil could solve many problems. They loved Kancil because he is very helpful.

One day, Kancil was looking for food at the forest. It was dry season, so that the foods were reduced in the forest. Kancil walked so far to find the food under the heat of sun.  Because there was a hot sunny day,  Kancil felt thirsty and  he found a well.  When he drank  the water, suddenly Kancil was fallen  into the well. It is very deep well, Kancil could not come out to the land again.

"I will die in here, anybody help me?" screamed Kancil.

Noone heard Kancil's screaming. He felt cold because of water in the well.

"Help.... Help... Help me, Please...!" screamed Kancil again.

For  along time, there was no one who heard Kancil.   He felt so sad because he was trapped in the well. Fortunately, there was an elephant that wanted to drink.

"Hello Mr. Elephant," asked Kancil.

"Why are in the well?" asked Mr. Elephant surprisingly.

Kancil thought hard to make him went out the well.

"The world will be doomsday, so I hide in here," answered Kancil.

"Really? I don't want to die... Oh My God..." screamed Elephant.

"Follow me here, Mr." asked Kancil.

So, Elephant came into the well. So that, he came out to the land by climbing the Elephant's body. How a clever Kancil was. He could come out of the well. Then, Kancil helped Elephant to come out from the well by climbing by his trunk.

Recount Text and Example of Recount Text

  •  Definition

    Recount text is one of the genre of the texts  that tells about the experiences  or events in the past. The writer retells his/her events in chronological order.

    Purpose of Recount Text

    To re-tell about past experience in chronological order.

    Generic Structure of Recount Text:

    1.  Orientation  (tells about  the introduction of the story with what, who, where, when, etc)
    2. Events : Event 1, event 2, event 3, etc. (tells about the event or what the writer do when the experience  happened)
    3. Re orientation (Even this is optional, but in this part will tell the feeling of the writer, such as happy, excited, etc,)

    Linguistic Features  of Recount Text: 

    1. Using Simple Past Tense (S+V2) / (S + to be + Adj/Noun/adverb)
    2. Using Chronological connection, such as one day, last holiday, last week, then, after that, first, finally, etc.)
    3. Using linking verb ( was, were,  etc)
    4. Using action verb ( went, brought, walked, bought, etc.)

    Example  of Recount Text: 

    Nice Holiday in Jogjakarta

     Last year, my family and I went to Jogjakarta.  It is very beautiful and quiet place and it is near from our town. We went there at 08.00 a.m. by car.  My father drove the car and we talked each other. We would go Parangtitis beach. It is located in Bantul Regency.

    Then, we arrived Parangtitis at 10.00 and there were many visitors there. The beach was very crowded,  but we enjoyed playing the wave. My father played with me to make castle sand.  Therefore, my mother prepared our lunch that we had been bought from our home and my sister helped her.

    After that, the day was sunny. Before we went back home, we decided to buy gifts on the Malioboro Street. There were many souvenirs. I bought many pencils and my mother bought many batik there.

    Finally, it was about 05.00 p.m. we went back home. We sang a song together in the car. We were very happy and enjoyed the moments. It would be the beautiful experiences with my family.

    Well.. there is the explanation about recount text about. Hopefully, it will help you to find example of recount text.


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