Recount text is one of the genre of the texts that tells about the experiences or events in the past. The writer retells his/her events in chronological order.
Purpose of Recount Text
To re-tell about past experience in chronological order.
Generic Structure of Recount Text:
- Orientation (tells about the introduction of the story with what, who, where, when, etc)
- Events : Event 1, event 2, event 3, etc. (tells about the event or what the writer do when the experience happened)
- Re orientation (Even this is optional, but in this part will tell the feeling of the writer, such as happy, excited, etc,)
Linguistic Features of Recount Text:
- Using Simple Past Tense (S+V2) / (S + to be + Adj/Noun/adverb)
- Using Chronological connection, such as one day, last holiday, last week, then, after that, first, finally, etc.)
- Using linking verb ( was, were, etc)
- Using action verb ( went, brought, walked, bought, etc.)
Example of Recount Text:
Nice Holiday in Jogjakarta
Last year, my family and I went to Jogjakarta. It is very beautiful and quiet place and it is near from our town. We went there at 08.00 a.m. by car. My father drove the car and we talked each other. We would go Parangtitis beach. It is located in Bantul Regency.
Then, we arrived Parangtitis at 10.00 and there were many visitors there. The beach was very crowded, but we enjoyed playing the wave. My father played with me to make castle sand. Therefore, my mother prepared our lunch that we had been bought from our home and my sister helped her.
After that, the day was sunny. Before we went back home, we decided to buy gifts on the Malioboro Street. There were many souvenirs. I bought many pencils and my mother bought many batik there.
Finally, it was about 05.00 p.m. we went back home. We sang a song together in the car. We were very happy and enjoyed the moments. It would be the beautiful experiences with my family.
Well.. there is the explanation about recount text about. Hopefully, it will help you to find example of recount text.
A story about....
Hi Guys, After learning how to write a report, we move on to the KD 3.26 of English material Regarding Report Presentation. This class X...

Recount Text and Example of Recount Text
Posted by tita
on Januari 06, 2016
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